
The Secret to A-Player Recruitment Success: Managing Expectations

Agne Karnisauskaite
Talent Acquisition Specialist @ Prosana

Recruiting top marketing talent for your eCommerce brand or performance marketing agency can be a thrilling yet nerve-wracking process. As a remote recruitment agency specializing in this space, we’ve seen firsthand how easy it is to get caught up in the excitement of finding that perfect candidate—only to face disappointment when things don’t go as planned. This is why managing expectations throughout the recruitment process is crucial. Here’s how you can do it.

Avoid Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket

It’s easy to get excited when you believe you’ve found the A-player your team needs. However, it’s vital not to count your chickens before they hatch. We’ve been in situations where a candidate seemed perfect, only to pull out at the last minute, leaving us back at square one. To prevent this, always have a backup plan and continue your search until the contract is signed, sealed, and delivered.

Possible Outcomes in the Recruitment Process

1. The Candidate Accepts the Offer

When a candidate accepts your offer, it’s a moment to celebrate—but don’t get too comfortable just yet. The recruitment process isn’t truly over until the new hire is onboarded and successfully navigates the trial period. Ensuring a smooth onboarding process is key. Be present during their first month, providing feedback and support to help them hit the ground running.


2. The Candidate Wants to Negotiate

Salary or benefits negotiations are common, and they don’t have to be a deal-breaker. If a candidate counters your offer, take the time to understand their perspective. Review your budget and consider what additional benefits you might offer instead of a higher salary. The goal is to find a middle ground that works for both parties, turning a potential obstacle into a win-win situation.


3. The Candidate Declines Due to a Promotion

While it can be disappointing when a candidate declines your offer because they’ve received a promotion at their current job, this outcome has a silver lining. It’s a testament to the quality of your offer and the candidate’s caliber. Keep in touch with these candidates—they’re proven A-Players, and future opportunities might bring them back to your door.


4. The Candidate Declines Due to Mismatched Expectations

Sometimes, a candidate might decline your offer because it wasn’t what they expected. While this can be disheartening, view it as a learning opportunity. Ask for feedback to understand what went wrong and use this information to fine-tune your recruitment process. It’s essential to remain positive and focused on finding the right fit, rather than dwelling on the loss.


5. The Candidate Ghosts You

One of the most frustrating outcomes is when a candidate simply disappears after you’ve extended an offer. This can happen for various reasons, but don’t panic. Follow up through multiple channels—email, LinkedIn, or even a phone call—to ensure your message was received. If they continue to ignore you, it’s best to move on, knowing you’ve dodged a bullet by not bringing on someone who wasn’t fully committed.


Final Thoughts: Never Stop the Search Until It’s Over

The most important lesson in managing recruitment expectations is to keep searching until the ink is dry on the contract. Always seek feedback from candidates at every stage to continuously refine your process. By being prepared for all possible outcomes, you can reduce disappointment and increase your chances of finding the perfect candidate.


In the end, managing expectations isn’t just about protecting yourself from disappointment; it’s about setting yourself up for success. At Prosana, we’re here to help you navigate this process and make recruitment as hassle-free as possible. Fill out the form on our website and let’s see how we can help you with recruitment today.

At Prosana, we specialize in sourcing remote, talented professionals for marketing agencies and e-commerce businesses.
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