How we hired a Creative Strategist in under 4 weeks for a performance marketing agency

Our Result

In under 4 weeks, we have found the right candidate who met all the requirements for the role.

9 candidate interviews
Top 2 candidates selected
Creative Strategist hired! 🚀

The Starting Point

The goal was to find a Creative Strategist with a design background for an eCommerce marketing agency called Highrise Marketing. With this hire, their main goal was to bridge the gap between the design team and the ad ops team.

Our Solution

To attract applicants with the desired qualities, we at Prosana worked closely with our client to come up with selling points, requirements, and skills necessary for this position.

Selling Points

• Fully remote & international team • Possibility to create an individualized growth plan and set KPIs to achieve those goals • Frequent feedback sessions and reviews to improve themselves • Autonomy and freedom to experiment with new ideas


• Extensive background in graphic design and video editing, particularly in eCommerce • Effective communicator with a knack for solving complex challenges • Shared commitment to the team's values and vision • Strategic thinker with a strong focus on data and analytics

Skills We Looked For

• Problem-solver and a good communicator • Strong copywriting skills • Research abilities Understanding of performance marketing analytics

Our Winning Approach

Converting job description

To attract top talent, a clear, concise, and engaging job description was created, focusing on key skills and unique role benefits, resulting in a strong applicant pool.

Qualify their portfolio

To ensure the right fit, candidate portfolios were assessed for creativity and strategic expertise, key qualities for the position. This process identified individuals with high skill and impact in their work.

Key Insights That Helped Us Hire The Perfect Candidate

• Creative Strategists excel when they have access to detailed client performance data, so provide regular updates on key metrics and insights. • Set clear goals and demonstrate how their work directly impacts client success, helping them understand their role in driving results. • Encourage experimentation by giving them the freedom to explore new ideas, especially within diverse eCommerce projects.

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